Our paper ‘Enhanced Visualization of Optimal Cerebral Perfusion Pressure Over Time to Support Clinical Decision Making’ with contributions from University Medical Center Groningen (Marcel Aries, Jan Willem Elting, Robin Wesselink (technical medicine student) and myself) and Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge (Joseph Donnelly, Marek Czosnyka, Ari Ercole and Peter Smielewski) that was just published in the October issue of Critical Care Medicine was discussed in an editorial which concluded by stating that ‘… , this tool may provide a significant contribution by not only revealing a personalized CPP target, but also by shedding light on when an individual patient would benefit most from either CPP- or ICP-guided therapy. This is important research that is poised to have broad impact on the field of neurocritical care.’ I am proud and happy that our joint effort was evaluated so positively and hope that we will be able to follow up on the interesting suggestions for future research that were provided.
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